Jen Dean Jen Dean

But what if I look Awkward?

We don't just point the lens on you and expect you to know what to do. We walk you through every step, from posing to expression to where to put your hands.

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Jen Dean Jen Dean

A Reintroduction

I've been taking portraits for 30 years, and throughout that time my business, my process, and my work has evolved countless times. In the last few years I've shifted my focus towards Boudoir Photography- and I absolutely adore it.

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Jen Dean Jen Dean

Words of Reflection

“I am not someone who feels comfortable in front of a camera. But this past month I decided I wanted to do something fun and scary, and took a leap of faith and booked a session…”

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Jen Dean Jen Dean

Boudoir Highlight - Magic in Nature

I viewed my pictures and they are truly magical. To see what these sessions bring out in you… when you feel comfortable supported, safe and cared for by Jen & Evie… it's no wonder why they turn out so amazing.

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Jen Dean Jen Dean

Beautiful Lines

PSA- Your body has creases. It has lines. And folds. And rolls. It is perfectly natural. Without them you can’t bend. They are part of you and they are a beautiful.

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Jen Dean Jen Dean

Session Spotlight - Bride to Be

Bridal Sessions: Boudoir sessions are an amazing gift to give yourself (you’re planning a wedding, you deserve it) and to your fiancé!

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Jen Dean Jen Dean

Self Portraits

Equally daunting and rewarding, self portraiture has both intrigued and challenged me throughout the years. I have found the practice to hold limitless potential for creativity and expression, yet also cause a great deal of frustration. Still, I'm repeatedly drawn in by my excitement for the unexpected.

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Boudoir Photography Jen Dean Boudoir Photography Jen Dean

Boudoir 101

So you have been thinking about a sassy sexy boudoir session and you keep waiting for the right occasion. You're excited by the idea of it, but also SUPER nervous.

Let us dispel some common worries for you…

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Jen Dean Jen Dean

Alchemy in Action

Alchemy in action is achievable! And so much magic and manifestation has occurred for me personally and professionally this year.

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Jen Dean Jen Dean

An Unprecedented Year - In Photographs

For a handful of years now my New Year’s practice has been to choose a word of the year. I’ve chosen words like Brave. Expansive. Dream.

In 2018 I started a new practice: The 365 Project. (Click to see 2018’s results.) An assignment for myself to shoot (at least) one photo everyday. It wound up being a beast of a creative and logistical endeavor - so much editing! - so when 2019 rolled around I took a year off.

January 2020, at my daughter’s urging, I picked the 365 Project back up. I thought it might be a challenge, but it couldn’t be any harder than my inaugural project, right?

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Women, Ingenious Alchemy Jen Dean Women, Ingenious Alchemy Jen Dean

The Revolution of Being Enough

As a small business owner, I’m not immune to hustle culture. Each year I’m told I need to book more clients. Post more content. Earn more money. Be grateful, yes. Be happy, please. But desire more. Do more. Be MORE.

I found myself thinking. “I am truly grateful for everything I have. Wait, I have enough.” And that led me to softly reclaim the perennial refrain:

“I am enough.”

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Ep 24 Megan Jo, The Tributaries That Create Us

How did Megan become a coach and a leader? How did she come up with the idea for Rockstar Camp? What were her motivations and what was the path that brought her here. I know that there is always interesting stories to hear when we ask about them. Her story is fascinating and insightful and a real inspiration for those who may still be wondering what they are going to do when they grow up. Sometimes the answers to what we want to do seem clear and then they aren’t. Then they seem clear again. Then they aren’t again. Life is funny that way. Cheers to discipline and perseverance and being scrappy! All of which Megan Jo talks about in this show.

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Ingenious Alchemy Jen Dean Ingenious Alchemy Jen Dean

Your 'New Normal' | Ingenious Alchemy Mini course Offer

How is your ‘new normal’ going? Mine is weird for sure. Some days are good, the sun is out, I get exercise, play with Charlie, make a delicious dinner and feel good and hopeful. Other days everything feels so heartbreakingly sad.

How is your inner critic treating you? Feeling like you "should" be creating-producing-enjoying-delivering-parenting-teaching-working-loving better? (Yeah I struggle with all that too)

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