Sacred wild weavings from the road of being a girl steeped in patriarchy and religion, finding her way home.

The Violet Hour

My writing:

I am an artist, healer, intuitive, weaver witch, magic fairy gardener, zoophilist, mama, professional photographer and author.

These wanderings are my wisdom from the rearview window of an old dodge dart and the meandering tales of moving 69 times. The realities of living in a female form haunted and hunted by men. A body full of desire and a heart resting in a forest.

The Violet Hour

essays by jen from substack

The mountains rose as giants

reaching their shoulders into the sky

I watched in awe

out the backseat windows

as we drove through hollers

covered in swaths of

green leaves so thick

they were curtains

you couldn’t peek behind

— From “Mountains” by Jen Dean

The Violet Hour

Follow me on Substack to read more of my work & support my writing

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