Dark Feminine Alchemy


We are revered souls standing tall 

In forests of ancient roots 

Deeply embedded in the 

Rich wise earth mother  

A powerful presence of crowns 

Rising up to the sky

Shamelessly reclaiming 

Our birthright of sacred sensuality

The dark feminine rises once more

- Jen Dean  

Join us and other women in the community with events & workshops, online courses, gatherings in sisterhood, creative projects & featured writing by Jen Dean.

What is Dark Feminine Alchemy?

The magic of the feminine has been manipulated, mutilated, and molded.

By others and by ourselves. We are waking up to the reality of our scarred soul, selves. We desire a change.

A Hope.

A reckoning.

We are finding our way through this time and learning that we don’t have to do it alone.

I have been working one on one with women for over two decades.

Holding safe space.Reconnecting women to their own feminine sensuality.

In joyful laughter and deep truth visions of their own gorgeous bodies.

Gathering stories and holding them in my heart.

The container has outgrown itself and expanded. When we take all that we already know and lean into the inner voice of our own wisdom.

When we gather, to play, to create, to listen, and to share around the fire with our sisters we alchemize the feminine. In that alchemizing we create an inner gold

that is protected and cherished. 

Our alchemized gold can be shared but not manipulated. It can never be dimmed.

It is hidden inside you in the shadows. The dark that silhouettes your light.

It is your own dark feminine alchemy.

 I am here to help you create yours. 



This six week course was designed for women looking to reconnect to their own intuition. Guiding you to see truths underneath outdated beliefs and voices in our heads. Offering daily practices geared towards self love and acceptance. Helping you use kind eyes on your body and mind. 

For there will be reams of papers bound into

Endless stacks of instructions in books

Librarian’s peering over spectacles

A proliferation of grown ups with arms crossed

Shaking heads and wagging fingers

In dismay at your actions

Words will be thrown at you by every wind

Rules to follow for “good girls”

— Instructions for Little Girls by Jen Dean

Upcoming Events & Gatherings