Ep 23 Mary, What Intuition Tells You

Often when I talk to women about their stories it is only now in the looking back that we are able to see the lessons that we learned. This story is one of those. A time of deep learning, that when it was happening felt unbearable. Mary just had no idea how she could make it through all the grief she was sitting with at that fateful period of time in 2005. She speaks now with a voice of clarity and wisdom from all that she learned back then. The ways that it shaped her life moving forward and how she got to now - in a whole new life she would never have imagined then. 

I don't like to give away too much here on the blog before you get the chance to listen - so if you want to you can just skip down to the link now. (: For the rest of you who don't mind some spoilers, what I really focus in on in this show is intuition. How for generations women here in America were taught that the men in the household make the decisions. Therefore so many women of those generations never learned how to listen to their intuition about all kinds of things, simply because they never had to. 

What that created was inequity of all kinds for women and this was especially difficult for those who lost their spouses and were left to face all kinds of decisions that they weren't prepared or trained to make. We are doing better in 2020 with teaching our girls that it is up to them to take care of themselves in every way from physically to financially to socially and emotionally. That listening to themselves is the first step in those journeys. But this hasn't always been the way and it's been a big hill to climb for our culture as a whole and individually for each woman who is forced to make choices and deal with things from estate plans and to retirement and insurance claims having no guide and no habit of listening in to where to go next. Having never been taught that you may have to navigate these things is still an issue for so many women today. 

In addition there can be the very abrupt realization that while the big choices may have been left up to your mate there is also a laundry list of smaller things that are more practical and emotional that end up being dealt with when that mate is suddenly gone. Everything from the way you live your life to where. I found it really interesting for me to ponder my ability to listen to what I wanted, my intuition, while listening to Mary’s story.  

Mary takes us on a journey of grief and being untethered from guidance back to finding her own inner voice and a place of peace. We are all the better for having shared in it. 

Hello, World!


The Right Professional Portrait Choice: Michele's Story


Ep 22 Many Women Many Stories - How our Hair Shapes our Identity