6.25.11 inn at mill falls wedding
ali and nate are one of those couples that are not only sweet and kind themselves, but surrounded by happiness and love from family and friends. i felt honored to be a part of that.
this was also one of those weddings that flowed smoothly and was simply wonderful because of the people involved. you can see the joy on everyone's face. and considering a recent loss in the family it is all the more poignant.
life is short. may we all be reminded of what life is about and enjoy every moment.
beautiful location: the inn at mill falls, church landing
fabulous band: grippo funk band
this was also one of those weddings that flowed smoothly and was simply wonderful because of the people involved. you can see the joy on everyone's face. and considering a recent loss in the family it is all the more poignant.
life is short. may we all be reminded of what life is about and enjoy every moment.
beautiful location: the inn at mill falls, church landing
fabulous band: grippo funk band