super monday was really super (:

so the ppa (professional photographers of america for those of you that aren't in the photo world 24/7. by the way if you are a photographer, even if you don't think you are a professional yet, you should join this fabulous and extremely helpful organization) offers classes for photographers from other professional photographers. one of the educational classes they offer is always in may on a monday and named-you guessed it-"super monday".

nadra edgerley whom i also work with now, taught this years super monday class, in maine. i have to say that not only did i learn a lot from nadra, but got to connect with some other really great photographers.

every class i have attended i have taken home something really important either in the learning or in just making me all fired up about trying something new. i love sharing photography with others and talking about why you do it. what motivates you. (although i have recently learned that i am much better at writing how i feel for instance in a blog where it is safe for me never to see your face then actually saying it in person, but that is yet another story altogether) so ok, maybe i love hearing all those things from other people even more then sharing them myself, but i digress...

there was just such happiness at these images i took as i tried some poses i have been thinking about and then seeing what everyone else saw through their lenses with the same models. the whole process was very inspiring. and i love to be inspired. it just took me a long time to get to the point here.

AND...about those models. ok, so first off they were a high school couple! that made me feel strange and older then i like to believe i am. and they were ridiculously adorable. and i mean ridiculous. like i could hardly stand it. they were so in love (check out the photos to see what i mean!) and kind to each other and us. and they stood in the sun forever and didn't complain and i can't thank them enough AND i really hope that zach will come work with us because who wouldn't like more positive energy around like his. ok, i know, enough, i will stop now.

oh, except that if you want to see all the photos from the day you should go to nadra's photography blog to see them as she will have some from all of us soon! now i have pressured her to get them posted. (: sorry nadra.

a big thank you to spoil me rotten for the amazing dress we borrowed and to the men's warehouse for the tux. these kids look fab!









beautiful girl


sunday mornings