Best Friends Session | Impromptu portraits

Charlie and Ada have play dates as often as we can get them together. Her family lives about 45 minutes away so we don’t get to see them as much as other friends locally. But they remain kindred spirits. They carry small back packs stuffed full of tiny toys that they unpack anytime we sit down for a few minutes. They have similar loves and interests and are super silly when they get together. Just like all 11 year old girls do.

As moms we really love watching them from the other side of the room. They whisper secrets and draw pictures and cards for each other. The world shrinking to just that moment and that conversation, right then. I wish I was as good at that as they are. I often feel distracted by my ever running long list of to-do’s that is in my head. They are a reminder that friendships are deep and important. But also that being in the now is the way to live.

Both Deb and I also laughed at how much we would have loved a random last minute dress up session like this when we were kids. We didn’t have a ton of time the other day so I just got a few shots on my new backdrop. Then we let them have a cup of tea. But they wanted to keep taking portraits and they dragged over the bar stools and sat there chatting and toasting with their mugs and then, of course, doing gymnastics… cause ELEVEN years old!! (:

I know that even 5 years from now these will be priceless. When they are both 16 and their priorities have totally changed. They may not want to dress up and play tea party much longer. And I am so glad I got these in the short window of this visit.

Does your kiddo have a best friend that you want to capture on film? Maybe they play with legos or shopkins together? These sessions are so much fun and a great way to keep these memories. Email us to book a session - studio



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