Exposing the Damage of Toxic Beauty Standards 

As Boudoir Photographers, we have regular conversations about self love, empowerment, and acceptance. These are all things we strive towards in an effort to counter societal pressures that say we need to look a certain way.

But on the other side there persists a whole host of issues -  toxic beauty standards, weight loss diets, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, negative self image, distorted imagery on social media… and the list goes on.

Despite recent efforts to encourage body positivity and natural beauty, we still see countless ads featuring heavily photoshopped models, products that claim aging is the enemy, and social media filters that make your eyes bigger, cheeks brighter, and lips fuller.


We are still in a fight against toxic beauty standards- and sometimes it feels like a hopeless battle. 

But today we want to highlight the work that Dove Beauty has done to expose these injustices. Watching these videos reminds us that there is still work to be done, but that we are stronger when we acknowledge these issues and stand together as a sisterhood.


You've likely seen some of these videos before, but if not, we suggest watching them with an open mind and heart. For us, it really helps to keep an open conversation about these difficult topics. 


And it reminds us to tell our friends, our family and ourselves that we are beautiful just the way we are.

1. Dove Evolution

One of Dove's very first videos depicting how the use of makeup and photoshop can completely alter the advertising campaigns we regularly see.

2. Dove Real Beauty Sketches

This creative short film highlights the misconceptions we often have about our own appearances.

3. Choose Beautiful

This video challenges us to face our inner voice - the power of your own self image can make a world of difference.

4. Cost of beauty

CW/TW: Sensitive content. This film features real stories about body appearance that may be upsetting to some viewers.

This film will bring you to tears with it's raw honesty about the impact of social media on young women today.

5. Beauty on Your Own Terms

Lastly, a quick, uplifting reminder that YOU define what beautiful means.

The Power of Transparency

“Hating our bodies is something that we learn, and it sure as hell is something that we can unlearn.”

― Megan Jayne Crabbe

We all have an inner critic - how could we not? We have all been exposed to countless examples of toxic advertising and media. 

But the beauty of acknowledging that? We can change the narrative. We can heal. We can become friends with that inner voice. Day by day. Together.

xo - Jen & Evie


But what if I look Awkward?


“You won’t regret it”