the most beautiful things in this world must be felt with the heart

Just a quote and one portrait today. The summer is so very busy for photographers especially here in Maine where we have such a small window to be outside enjoying the beautiful backdrop of this state. So I am behind on lots of things. Blogging included. My goal is to try and do smaller posts like this so at least I get something up. 

I love this quote so much. I could talk about why all day. Or I could just put it here with a portrait that moves my heart so much. (and yes, I know it's cheating the quote since it's something to see. but i still felt the quote went with this portrait)  

Go out and feel something beautiful today. 

In life and love- Jen

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller


Kelley gets surprised with a make over portrait session


What else is life for except enjoying it? ... A family portrait session in Cape Elizabeth Maine